Jane Kim Announces “Healing our Homeless Crisis” Plan To Address Homelessness in San Francisco
Jane Kim announced her plan to address San Francisco’s homelessness crisis and help residents get the health care and basic services they need to move off the streets and into homes.
“In recent years, the homelessness crisis has gone from bad to worse – not just in San Francisco, but across our state. I’ve called for a California state of emergency because we need the full attention and resources of the state to turn the corner towards solving our homeless crisis. But here and now there are things San Francisco must and can do. Homelessness is not only a housing crisis – it’s a public health emergency too. Anyone who has spent time in a homeless shelter has seen firsthand that our homeless population is far sicker and older than many think. We must give a hand up to our most vulnerable residents such as children and seniors, get people off the streets and into housing, and help those who are ill or addicted to get the treatment they need.”
Kim’s “Healing Our Homeless Crisis” Plan will:
- Address the public health needs of the homelessness crisis by expanding the Behavioral Health Court, building more medical respite shelters, and working with local hospitals and providers.
- Expanding shelter access by adding daytime staff so residents have a place to go during the day, extending the length of time residents can remain in Navigation Centers and adding capacity to our existing shelter system.
- Helping the human needs of residents on our streets by working with LavaMae to expand access to shower and laundry services and double the number of public toilets.
“We cannot solve homelessness overnight – but we can work every day to treat each other with respect. Providing the health service, job training and educational opportunities, in addition to housing, will help us ensure that those who are homeless today do not remain homeless tomorrow,” said Kim.
Please read more about Jane Kim’s plan to heal our homeless crisis here.